Вестибулярная мигрень Взаимосвязь между головокружением и мигренью
Вестибулярная мигрень — это неврологическое расстройство, которое считается одним из видов мигрени и сопровождается головокружением (вертиго). В то время как
Понимание причины ваших симптомов головокружения и нарушения равновесия — это ключ к правильному решению. Пройдите индивидуальную оценку с нашими экспертами, чтобы выяснить источник вашего головокружения и предпринять шаги для улучшения качества вашей жизни.
Правильная диагностика головокружения и проблем с равновесием — первый и самый важный шаг в создании эффективного плана лечения. Лечение без понимания источника симптомов может привести к потере времени и постоянному дискомфорту. Поверьте в силу точной диагностики для вашего здоровья.
Да, немедикаментозные методы могут играть важную роль в лечении головокружения. Естественные подходы, такие как вестибулярная реабилитация, упражнения на равновесие и изменение образа жизни, эффективны для многих пациентов. Примите меры, чтобы выяснить, какой метод подходит именно вам.
I am Ferah Emirdar, one side of my nostril was closed, I could hardly breathe, I was acting aggressively, the sinusitis I had been suffering from for years was a separate problem. When I went for the examination, I made my decision, I had the surgery, it was very successful and not what I feared. The first thing I said after removing the tampon was, "Are you breathing like this?" I became a calm person, my sleep improved, I fell asleep immediately, I had no nerves left because I slept well, and my sinusitis and nasal congestion were gone. I would like to thank your patience and team during this process. I am also happy to have met you.
I went to Mustafa Hodja with the recommendation of a friend, and after my examination, I had 2 parotid tumor surgeries, one month apart. Both surgeries were successful. I felt at ease each time with the explanations Mustafa Deniz Hodja made both before and after the surgery. Thanks to Mustafa Hodja's self-confidence and the intense interest of his assistants, I went through the surgery very comfortably. Thank you Mustafa Hodja and his friendly team.
I have been suffering from vertigo dizziness for 9 years. I was at a point where I could not do work at home. There was no doctor left that I did not go to. Finally, I went to my doctor, Mustafa Deniz. We started my treatment and I was very pleased with his care and attention. Now I am very well. I have been suffering from this dizziness for years. God bless you. I feel like I was born again. I am glad to have you, my teacher. I recognized
I am 34 years old. I have been having problems with infection and hearing loss due to ruptured eardrum since the age of 10. I wanted to have surgery and I went to many doctors. None of them were positive about me having surgery. They said my ears would not be healed with surgery. They recommended hearing aids. Upon the advice of a friend, I met Mustafa. He performed a very successful surgery. My hearing was cured. I got rid of the infection. Thank you very much for everything.
I am very happy with my teacher. He is a doctor who is very experienced in his job. His team is also knowledgeable. I think you should choose Mustafa without hesitation. I don't know any other doctor. I recommend him to everyone. He is a doctor who works hard, listens to his patient, and understands what he wants.
My quality of life has officially increased, I can breathe much easier. I would like to thank my teacher and his team very much.
We met with Mr. Mustafa Deniz for my son's adenoid surgery. He made me feel very comfortable with his interest and explanations. Our doctor is really a very sincere person. Our surgery was very successful, thank God. I had surgery a few months ago. I had a cyst in my throat. He explained my surgery process and my situation to me with the same interest and concern. My surgery went very well, thank God. Mr. Mustafa Deniz is successful in his job, valuable and a good person. The people who work with them are very valuable and good people. I'm glad I met you 🙂
I had nose surgery. I am in my 4th month. I am very satisfied. Thank you to my teacher Deniz.
I found Dr. Mustafa as a result of my research and went to him with the complaint of lack of ventilation of the Eustachian tube and decreased hearing. I had had surgery on the ear many times before, so he looked at my nose and said that there was a curvature in the nasal bone and a serious devaluation. If we correct it, it would benefit the ear and it would help me breathe in the future. So we did the surgery. We decided to be together, now I'm getting some fresh air and my hearing has improved a little, he said I'll be better, may God bless him, his communication and friendliness was very good, I'm glad to have you. my teacher
Hello, I have had a Vertigo disorder that has not gone away for three years. I reached out to our esteemed teacher Mustafa Deniz upon his advice. Thanks to the medications he gave as a result of the maneuvers and examinations he made, I have not had any dizziness for 4 months. Thank you very much to our esteemed teacher and his teammates, I am glad to have you, best regards.
Мы начали свою деятельность с целью внедрения комплексного подхода к лечению пациентов с вертиго в Анталии. С февраля 2019 года наша клиника оказывает услуги пациентам с вертиго.
В нашей клинике имеются все необходимые устройства для оценки состояния при вертиго. Среди них: VNG, VHIT, cVEMP, oVEMP, ABR и тесты слуха. Эти устройства помогают нам в точной диагностике заболеваний, вызывающих вертиго.
Лечение, проводимое в нашей клинике, не ограничивается медикаментозной терапией. При необходимости мы применяем маневровую терапию, терапию вестибулярной реабилитации (физическая терапия для восстановления равновесия), а при необходимости могут быть выполнены хирургические вмешательства.
Проф. д-р.
Мустафа Дениз Йылмаз
Клинический ассистент
Айсегюль Озкан
Теслиме Нур Девечи
Симге Озен
Режиссер. Кура. Ассистент
Фатма Туран
I am Ferah Emirdar, one side of my nostril was closed, I could hardly breathe, I was acting aggressively, the sinusitis I had been suffering from for years was a separate problem. When I went for the examination, I made my decision, I had the surgery, it was very successful and not what I feared. The first thing I said after removing the tampon was, "Are you breathing like this?" I became a calm person, my sleep improved, I fell asleep immediately, I had no nerves left because I slept well, and my sinusitis and nasal congestion were gone. I would like to thank your patience and team during this process. I am also happy to have met you.
I went to Mustafa Hodja with the recommendation of a friend, and after my examination, I had 2 parotid tumor surgeries, one month apart. Both surgeries were successful. I felt at ease each time with the explanations Mustafa Deniz Hodja made both before and after the surgery. Thanks to Mustafa Hodja's self-confidence and the intense interest of his assistants, I went through the surgery very comfortably. Thank you Mustafa Hodja and his friendly team.
I have been suffering from vertigo dizziness for 9 years. I was at a point where I could not do work at home. There was no doctor left that I did not go to. Finally, I went to my doctor, Mustafa Deniz. We started my treatment and I was very pleased with his care and attention. Now I am very well. I have been suffering from this dizziness for years. God bless you. I feel like I was born again. I am glad to have you, my teacher. I recognized
I am 34 years old. I have been having problems with infection and hearing loss due to ruptured eardrum since the age of 10. I wanted to have surgery and I went to many doctors. None of them were positive about me having surgery. They said my ears would not be healed with surgery. They recommended hearing aids. Upon the advice of a friend, I met Mustafa. He performed a very successful surgery. My hearing was cured. I got rid of the infection. Thank you very much for everything.
I am very happy with my teacher. He is a doctor who is very experienced in his job. His team is also knowledgeable. I think you should choose Mustafa without hesitation. I don't know any other doctor. I recommend him to everyone. He is a doctor who works hard, listens to his patient, and understands what he wants.
My quality of life has officially increased, I can breathe much easier. I would like to thank my teacher and his team very much.
We met with Mr. Mustafa Deniz for my son's adenoid surgery. He made me feel very comfortable with his interest and explanations. Our doctor is really a very sincere person. Our surgery was very successful, thank God. I had surgery a few months ago. I had a cyst in my throat. He explained my surgery process and my situation to me with the same interest and concern. My surgery went very well, thank God. Mr. Mustafa Deniz is successful in his job, valuable and a good person. The people who work with them are very valuable and good people. I'm glad I met you 🙂
I had nose surgery. I am in my 4th month. I am very satisfied. Thank you to my teacher Deniz.
I found Dr. Mustafa as a result of my research and went to him with the complaint of lack of ventilation of the Eustachian tube and decreased hearing. I had had surgery on the ear many times before, so he looked at my nose and said that there was a curvature in the nasal bone and a serious devaluation. If we correct it, it would benefit the ear and it would help me breathe in the future. So we did the surgery. We decided to be together, now I'm getting some fresh air and my hearing has improved a little, he said I'll be better, may God bless him, his communication and friendliness was very good, I'm glad to have you. my teacher
Hello, I have had a Vertigo disorder that has not gone away for three years. I reached out to our esteemed teacher Mustafa Deniz upon his advice. Thanks to the medications he gave as a result of the maneuvers and examinations he made, I have not had any dizziness for 4 months. Thank you very much to our esteemed teacher and his teammates, I am glad to have you, best regards.
Наша команда экспертов поддерживает вас с помощью методов диагностики и лечения, адаптированных к вашим индивидуальным потребностям. С использованием вестибулярной реабилитации, современного диагностического оборудования и персонализированных планов лечения мы стремимся улучшить качество вашей жизни. Узнайте, что мы можем сделать, чтобы помочь вам достичь здорового равновесия и жизни без головокружения.
Оставайтесь в курсе последних новостей о здоровье, полезных советов и обновлений из нашего центра на Instagram. Подписывайтесь на нас, чтобы узнать больше о наших методах лечения, опыте пациентов и вдохновляющем контенте для здоровой жизни!
Вестибулярная мигрень — это неврологическое расстройство, которое считается одним из видов мигрени и сопровождается головокружением (вертиго). В то время как
Фобическое постуральное головокружение (FPV) и персистирующее постурально-перцептивное головокружение (PPPD) — это виды функционального головокружения, характеризующиеся головокружением и проблемами с равновесием,
Головокружение (вертиго) — это ощущение иллюзии движения, которое возникает из-за нарушения вестибулярной системы, когда человек воспринимает несуществующее движение как реальное.